MON-FRI9AM - 5PMCALL US(864) 520-5626

EHS has a Medication Technician (MED- TECH) program

It’s flexible and allows you to complete the knowledge portion of the class on-line and the skills check off is completed on-site at our office. Take the first steps toward building a career you enjoy in the medical field with our flexible and affordable online program.

The online knowledge training is self-paced and provides each student with the ability to develop and learn the fundamentals of being a Med-Tech. In the skills demonstrations our nursing instructors will guide you through the process, to ensure that you possess the required skills to meet the healthcare industry requirements.

EHE offers over twenty years in healthcare education and enabling each student to change their lives for the better. As the healthcare industry grows, we are positioned to provide quality education training that will enhance your your ability to achieve excellence in the medical field.

EHE’s mission is to provide quality career training that is flexible and affordable that prepares every student for exceptional career in healthcare.

As the demand for quality Med-Tech is rapidly increasing, we have the solution to take you to the next in your healthcare career.

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